OMI daily life, galau song for OMI , nice song to listen from OMI .

Saturday 27 August 2011

27-8-2011 UNFORGETTABLE Day ♥♥♥♥♥

Guyss !! Guess what?! I'm very happy now because of yesterday night. This is midnight still but we still have to say it was yesterday though it happened at night. Lol

Howdy?!!! I'm feeling great now!

You know?! Today, I had science course for about 5 hours. Can you imagine? I only did around 6 or 7 numbers then i depend on my self. I have to bring it with my holiday. WTH mann!! What a terrible holiday!

And yesterday, I went to Ci Wanda's house to give her surprise cake by we told her that we couldn't come over her house, but she believed it! Then when we sang 'Happy Birthday!' She's totally surprised. FLABBERGASTED ! Lol
Then we went to 711 near Senayan City, so many people smoked there, I couldn't get the fresh air, then me and a few of my friends decided to go to McD, then we spent our time there, then we home.

I can't write too much because I'm too sleepy rite now :0
Good night Guys ! Gbu


Friday 26 August 2011

Fall for You - Secondhand Serenade

The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Your impossible to find

This is not what I intended
I always swore to you i'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may of failed
But I have loved you from the start

But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible

So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I'm yours to keep
And hold onto your words
Cuz talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When your asleep

Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Your impossible to find

26-8-2011 Nice Day :D

Hi guys! Howdy !!
Sorry ! I didn't write blog yesterday. Because I forgot to write :D

Yesterday, I was practising volley at school and Juned was in really bad mood :(
I don't know why, maybe because of something happened in his brain. Lol

And then, I went to Science course for doing my homework and when I arrived I only did math. And I didn't make any homework there. Damn.

Today, I have nothing to do. No english course and science. So I'm free.
Recently, I wanted to go to Mall Taman Anggrek with my JHS's friends but my mom didn't let me go then I stayed at home. Bad day..

But, it wasn't too bad, I went to Kelapa Gading to looked for some present for my friend. After that, I went to the coffee shop then had a chat with mom and dad, shared anything. What a wonderful night. Hope tomorrow will be better :D

good night.. Gbu


Wednesday 24 August 2011

24-8-11 Holiday has just begun

hii! howdy? I feel better today, especially my throat, my voice gradually comes back.
I wonder where it's gone. It might have gone into my stomach.. Lol

Sorry I forgot to write yesterday because I was tired to write :(
while I was reviewing my lesson I couldn't help falling asleep.
Actually, I had set the alarm clock to ring at 8.30pm but my sleepiness bit the alarm ring, so by the time I got up it was eleven o'clock and I decided to continue my sleep. As a matter of fact, I knew I had to study for my biology test the next day.
But, before I continue my sleep I set the alarm at four o'clock in the morning.
And I woke up when I heard the alarm. Then, I started to learn biology for the second time and hoped to get a good result.
However, I couldn't do the test well. I'll be very glad if I can pass the yardstick at least 7.

Today, I got so much homework but somehow I try to write this blog, maybe I'll do my homework during the holiday even if I'm out. What a boring holiday!!!!! I thought it would be wonderful by going abroad but the homework keep saying "hello!!! How about me?!" then it makes me upset, I want to burn my homework but I'll be in trouble after the holiday as the Frenchmen say " c'est la vie " when you're in your teens you can't avoid school, especially the HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I felt upset today, I wasn't allow to attend the volley match by my father. I'm actually one of the team. Because of my throat !!! But it's okay, there is always another day.

Well, I end this blog with xxx
see you tomorrow :D Gbu


Grammar Helper : My Beloved Coach MR.JIMMY

Monday 22 August 2011

22-8-2011 English Day

hi guys !!! I am not myself today :( especially with my throat.
I have been losing my voice since yesterday. And I cannot say a word and everybody says "you sound so sexy" that everybody teases me and it is hard to have a chat with everyone. They couldn't understand what I was talking about.

Emm.. today I had two tests. They were Geography and IT.
I couldn't do my Geography quite well :( but maybe I was good at IT just for today, I think :P
Hopefully, I would get a good result :D WISH ME LUCK GUYS !!!!!
And tomorrow I'll have chemistry test and because of my being unable to do economics test well the other day. I'll have the remedial tomorrow :D WISH ME LUCK AGAIN :D
Mann !!! don't get bored of with my WISH ME LUCK :P
I would like to thank you if you have done so :D

I enjoyed my self today at the science course though I have lost my voice. We joked around but I had to force myself to speak up. Sometimes I had to whisper instead of talking. Yeahh it's all right as long as I was happy. :D

So sorry about yesterday :( I couldn't write a blog because I was not myself yesterday:( but now I am writing rite? :D

I think I have to end this daily story :(
See you tomorrow then :D Gbu


Grammar Helper : My Beloved Coach MR.JIMMY

Saturday 20 August 2011

How Great is Our God - Chris Tomlin

The splendor of a King, clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice
All the earth rejoice

He wraps himself in Light, and darkness tries to hide
And trembles at His voice
Trembles at His voice

How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God

Age to age He stands
And time is in His hands
Beginning and the end
Beginning and the end

The Godhead Three in One
Father Spirit Son
The Lion and the Lamb
The Lion and the Lamb

Name above all names
Worthy of our praise
My heart will sing
How great is our God

How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God

20-8-11 Bad Day

hi guys ! how are u ??
today i'm quiet good today :)

hari ini gue voli sperti biasanya tapi bedanya gue sparing bo -.- mana nilai2 trakhir gue dimasukin lagi --a padahal gue ga bisa -- lagian pasrah -- udah 22-4
tapi sebenernya sih bisa kalo semua maennya serius n ga b cuman kurang semangat sama pengalaman lomba padahal menurut gue mereka jago2 kok.. hmmm..

hahhh...................................... keki nihh
ga jadi nonton transformer 3d gara2 ci sarah lembur trus ka wanda jaga rumah :'( padahal mau nonton
tapi masih ada hari lain sih wkwkwk.. gue harus lebih konsen ke ulangan dulu nihhh..
lagi belajar tik ama geo kalo geo besok lah yahh. kalo tik nih yang susah.. pret bener -.-
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa tik susahhh...................
tapi gue ahrus erjuang supaya minimal gue kaga remed dehh minimal banget itu..
wish me luck yah everybodyy !!! bener2 berjuang di smak3
cece bilang kalo nggak kayak gitu belom welcome to smak3
tapi kalo udh ngerasain ulangan dkk barulah bener2 ngerasain "WELCOME TO SMAK3" kwkwkwkw
gpp dehh tetep semangattt !!!!! ciayouuu !!!!!!

udah dulu ahh.. byebyee ! Gbu

: naomi

Friday 19 August 2011

The Call - Regina Spektor

It started out as a feeling
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word
And then that word grew louder and louder
'Til it was a battle cry
I'll come back when you call me
No need to say goodbye

Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never been this way before
All you can do is try to know who your friends are
As you head off to the war
Pick a star on the dark horizon and follow the light
You'll come back when it's over
No need to say goodbye
You'll come back when it's over
No need to say goodbye

Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget
Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
'Til they're before your eyes
You'll come back when they call you
No need to say goodbye
You'll come back when they call you
No need to say goodbye


haii !!! gimana hari ini??? nice??? but i'm not my self today :'(

hari ini gue ada ulangan akun sama agama:( udah pasrah banget apapun yang terjadi terjadilah.. udah kelewat stress tuh sampe2 benjolan stres mungkin ikut2 stres wkwkw
oh yaa hari senin ulangan geografi :D tapi catatannya gw kumpul -.- oon kan?! kenapa cat sama tugas jadi satu x_x hahhhh kadanga suka ga mikir lagi nih kalo ngerjain sesuatu -.-
hahh yaudah deh pasrahh.. mana TIK bakalan susah nih kayaknya.. hmm.. gw ragu2 bisa ga yah?? bisa lahh !! amin :D

besok tim voli putrii katanya mau sparing?! buat kkak kelas SEMANGATT !! SEMANGAT !! SEMANGATT !! gue dukung dari belakang dan dalam doa. amin .
wkwkwk semoga menang dehh.. jadi ajang latihan juga kan :D semangatyah voli putri !! :D
doaku menyertaimu wkwkwkw

besok ada rencana ke senci tapi ga tau jadi ato ga.. jadi ato ga urusan besok lahh wkwkwwk
sekarang i mau off dlu :D byebyee tapi masih ol fb sama twitter kok :D
buat yang liat2 follow twitter gue yahh !! @offcialomi :D thankss :D

17-8-11 The Independence Day ♥

haii guys sorry yah!!! kemaren inet leptop gw mati wkwkwk..
nih gue ceritain yahh what happened at wednesday

lu tau ga sih ! gue harus upacara pada tanggal 17 agustus !!! kalo ga masuk apel 10 hari males banget kan?? tapi gue masuk sih tetep :P YAIYALAH !! gue ga mau tuh yang namanya APEL -.- OGAH banget wkwkwk
singkat cerita..
abis apel gue pulang hehehe.. ehh diajakin makan ke bakmi griya diajakin sama bokap nyokap. Nah pas pulang gue emang udah rencanain jauh2 hari buat ke sarbini.. ehh si koko sam malahan kagak mau pergi -_- ngerjain banget masa gue di anterin trus udah di tinggal. JAHAT banget -.- ya udeh akhirnya kaga jadi dah tuh gue ke sarbini malah si mami ngajak gue pergi ke puncak tuhh gara2 si om iing nelpon pas makan, nanyain si mami jadi ato kagak ke puncak ehh si mami agreed yawdehh jadi gue ikut -.-
gilaa !! disana bosen banget ! kaga ngapa2in, lumayan si ada objek foto gitu
trus si peter lagi tuh rese banget ngomong apalah labil nya keterlaluan banget trus sok jago ama jail.. hmm.. apalagi si dede paling kecil gila omongannya udah kasar banget ! gaulannya ga bener ! grr.. alay banget bahasanya.. sumpeh yee kalo gue masih seumuran dia udah gue kata2in tuh anak sembarangan ngatain orang, blom ngerti apa2 bacotnyaaa kayak congor grr.. sebel bangetzzzz..
hah huh hah huhh. sabarrr aja deh gue..

trus kan malemnya gue mau ke GI dong pelayanan ke tiberias :D
gilaa gue pikir puncak lancar maju jalan lah.. taunya 3 jem coy gue di puncak -.- sedih banget dateng terlambat :'( udah gitu kancing baju pada copot -.- tambah sedih lagi kan T_T
nahh sampe sana semua menyambut gembira kedatangann ku :D
ehh tanpa sadar ada temen2 gue si ai, leo dll yah emng ga dll tapi adalah beberapa ehehehe
nahh pas pulangnya tuh yang seru.. kan gw pikir bakalan pulang bareng bokap ehh taunya bokap kaga bisa gara2 udah tepar.. nah si mami ga kasih gw pulang bareng koko sam naek motor.. so koko sam decided koko jeff yang nganter. sebenernya takut ngerepotin juga sih soalnya jadi bulak balik gitu kan dianya yahh ga enak juga. eh ternyata si koko jeff pengertian :P jadinya di anterin dehh.... minta duduk belakang ga di kasih -_- harus duduk depan. dia emng JAHAT sama gw wkwkwkkw
nah pas di mobil dia tuh banyak hal2 janggal yang gue temuin pokoknya peletakan barang2 penatannya kurang pas deh wkwkkw
nah sampe rumah pada masukk :D yahh meskipun kotor dan bau di sanasini maklum dehh pabrik kue di rumah sihh habisnya :P
nahhh pas mau pulang malah kita foto2 banyaaakkkk banget ! seneng banget fotonya juga lucu2 bikin ketawa semua :D
abis itu pulanggg dehhh smuanyaa :( jadi abis itu aku bobo dehh :D

sekian buat tanggal 17 agustus-an :D MERDEKAA !!!

Tuesday 16 August 2011


haii readers ! how's the day? great?
so do I :D

hari ini gue seneng banget ada eskul fotografi.. hmm.. bakalan berguna banget nih buat kedepannya :D
duhh.. galau banget nihh :( hahhh masih kepikiran sama dia..
ngiri sama princessnya
gue juga mauu bisa kayak princessnya !!!!!!!! nanti gue juga course nih! liatin ! wkwkwkw
tau ga sih besok malees banget ! masa upacara ?! ga banget kan?! gw sih males bener loh ikut2 upacara --" tpi kalo kaga upacara nanti apel 10 hari aduh males banget wkwkwkkww

trus besok juga kayaknya jadwal padet banget aduh puyeng deh :( blom buat pr geografi sama akun ! ga bisa di tunda ! harus segera dibuattt !!! wkwkwkw
mana gue oon banget lagi ekonomi ==a harus semanget nihh !! grr..

udah ahh udah tepar banget nihh ni hari ._.v semangat deh buat besok !!! ciaoyoo !!!!
Gbu :D

Like we used to - A rocket to the moon

another galau song :P

Like We Used To lyrics
Songwriters: Brinton, Loren; Cook, Andrew; Halvorsen, Eric; Richards, Justin; Santino, Nick; Squire, Billy; Young, Dave;

I can feel her breath as she's sleeping next to me
Sharing pillows and cold feet
She can feel my heart, fell asleep to its beat
Under blankets and warm sheets

If only I could be in that bed again
If only it were me instead of him

Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts?
When you've seen it a million times

Does he sing to all your music
While you dance to "Purple Rain"?
Does he do all these things
Like I used to?

14 months and 7 days ago
Oh, I know you know how we felt about that night
Just your skin against the window
But we took it slow and we both know

It shoulda been me inside that car
It should have been me instead of him in the dark
[. From: .]

Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts
When you've seen it a million times?

Does he sing to all your music
While you dance to 'Purple Rain'?
Does he do all these things
Like I used to?

I know, love
(Well, I'm a sucker for that feeling)
Happens all the time, love
(I always end up feeling cheated)
You're on my mind, love
(Oh sorta let her when I need it)
That happens all the time, love, yeah

Will he love you like I loved you?
Will he tell you everyday?
Will he make you feel like you're invincible
With every word he'll say?

Can you promise me if this was right?
Don't throw it all away

Can you do all these things?
Will you do all these things
Like we used to?
Oh, like we used to

Monday 15 August 2011

He knows my name - Shout to the Lord kids gospel

I have a Maker
He formed my heart
Before even time began
My life was in his hands

I have a Father
He calls me His own
He'll never leave me
No matter where I go

reff :

He knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
And He hears me when I call


haii !!! how are you?
i'm not feeling well today because of some problem :(

tau ga sih ekonomi gue ulangan ga luluss :(:(:(:(
padahal dapet 63 doang D:
yawdah buat next jangan sampe dapet jelek wkwkw
tadi juga ada ulangan pak ari..hmm ada yang susah ada yang ga susah sih hahahahaha
tapi gpplah bisa di kerjain kok hehehe

oh ya hari ini gue ga ada seni tari gara2 si ko sur ngajar anak kelas 11 buat opening s3w wahh! gila keren banget tariannya!!
emang sedikit gimana gitu tapi overall semuanya keren banget!!! wwkwkkww
hahh gara2 ngomoongin princess ama si bonita gw galau..
pokoknya entah bagaimana gue harus hiphop class. harus harus.... entah gue merasa gue demen banget dan gue ga pernah bosen. hmm.. doain yahh semoga gue bisa dapet license dari mami papi baut ikut class ginian :D
daripada les kepribadian -.-a males banget dehhhh wkwkwkwk

iyah nyokap wanted banget gue jadi model -.- padahal gue ga ada bakat sama sekali buat ke situ--a tapi entar kalo tes bakat juga ketauan kok gue bakatnya ada dimana :D

hahahha besok gue eskul :D semoga besok menyenangkan :D byebyee :D


Sunday 14 August 2011

wonderful 14 - 8 - 11

hi !!! how's the world using u today?
must be great rite?

hari ini gue seneng banget nihh :D di gereja asik banget..
hari ini foto2 di jalanan HI -.- bisa bayangin ga sih? sepanjang jalan deket bunderan HI tuh sepiiii banget!!! jadi foto2 dehhh.. sempet ada yang ngetawain sihh.. tapi bodo yang penting have fun aja :D
ttrus udah gitu gue pake heels 11cm mantep jalannya tuh gilaaa!!!! cape banget! abis dari foto2 langsunglah jalan kaki meluncur ke 711 wkwkwkw mini gulp udah menanti wkkakaka
trus pas naek kena sedikit masalah sama pak hendra hihihi kita badung yahh wkakakkaa

duhh tapi besok gw mau tes mat sama inggris kalo ingrris gue ga gitu masalah. 7 udah bersyukur banget gue tapi kalo mat adoadoado..................

semoga besok mat Pak Ari ga susahh. amin hehehee
wish me luck yahh :D

hoamm.. ngantuk nihh..
i'mm gonna sleep now :D byebye :P see u around !

The Actor - MLTR

He takes you out and he takes you up
’cause he can show you so much
I go to bed and tomorrow again
there’s a lot of work to be done

He gives you gold and he’ll promise you
the whole world will be yours
I just can tell you I love you so
even though my odds are low

I’m not an actor I’m not a star
and I don’t even have my own car
But I’m hoping so much you’ll stay
that you will love me anyway

The dirty games and the neonshows
this is the world he knows
Watching the stars satisfies my soul
thinking of him makes me feel so cold

The fancy cars and the restaurants
you’re just so fond of the man
Sometimes I wonder if you are blind
can’t you see, he’s got dirt on his mind

I’m not an actor I’m not a star
and I don’t even have my own car…

Saturday 13 August 2011


hii !!! nihh gw sempetin nulis meskipun mata gue udah super sipit -.-

gimana kabar lu semua hari inii ?! must be great dongg? so do i :D
hari ini entah kenapa voli cape bangetngetngetnget tapi yah sudahlahh asik yang pentingg wkwkkw dan gw menikmati apa yang gue lakuin :D

hari ini gue udah buat kacamata hehehe biasa aja sih ray ban doangan kok wkwkwkw
lumayan buat bantu gw belajar di sekolah grr.. kemaren gue belajar ga keliatan apa2 sebel sebel sebellllll............
untung udah buat kacamata..

oh yaaaa ternyata blog gw lumayan banyak orang nyasar jadinya juga liat2 yaa? wkwkwk enjoy this blog then :D if one of u is a foreigner i cannot write in a good english grammar but maybe you have to learn BAHASA :D our proudly language :D not only us learn your laguage but you have to try our easy language :D

ohh yaa!! hari ini gw jalan2 sama stacy sama meylisaa wkwkw yah.. gue sih ngaret keterlaluan soalnya macet bangettttt!! tapi gpplah filmnya blom terlalu jauh ini wkkwkwkw trus makan ppl sama br trus si stcy coldstone. tuh anak makan di aduk2 sampe meleleh --a katanya meleleh enak --a gue jadi bingung ama tuh anak wkwkwkw

udah ah that's all dulu yah hari ini :D byebye :)

Friday 12 August 2011

Stranger - Secondhand Serenade

ada lagu bagus niihhh
sebenernya buat galau banget buat gue dan gue akan selalu galau kalu denger lagu ini :D



Turn Around
Turn Around and fix your eye in my direction
So there is a connection
I can't speak
I can't make a sound to somehow capture your attention
I'm staring at perfection
Take a look at me so you can see
How beautiful you are

You call me a stranger
You say I'm a danger
But all these thoughts are leaving you tonight
I'm broke and abandoned
You are an angel
Making all my dreams come true tonight

I'm confident
But I can't pretend I wasn't terrified to meet you
I knew you could see right through me
I saw my life flash right before my very eyes
And I knew just what we'd turn into
I was hopeing that you could see
Take a look at me so you can see

You call me a stranger
You say I'm a danger
But all these thoughts are leaving you tonight
I'm broke and abandoned
You are an angel
Making all my dreams come true tonight

You are an angel
Making all my dreams come true tonight

Take a look at me so you can see
How beautiful you are (4x)

Your beauty seems so far away
I'd have to write a thousand songs to make you comprehend how beautiful you are

I know that I can't make you stay
But I would give my final breathe to make you understand how beautiful you are
Understand how beautiful you are

You call me a stranger
You say I'm a danger
But all these thoughts are leaving you tonight
I'm broke and abandoned
You are an angel
Making all my dreams come true tonight

You call me a stranger
You say I'm a danger
You call me a stranger


HAII !!! sorry yah udah 2 hari ga nulis blogg :(
2 hari yang lalu udah kelewat capekk jadinya udah ga kuat trus tepar dehh hehehehe
kalo kemaren tuh gara2 internetnya tuh reseee :( huhuhu pasti pada kangen nihh hehehe
di liat2 viewednya tuh nambah 8 :p hehehe sorry yah buat yang liat tapi nothing changed :( but now change :D

oh yaa 2 hari yang lalu ga ada apa2 sih nothing happened gituu like daily aja hahahahaha
tapi kalo kemaren wahh gilaaa bener2 deh gw seneng se seneng2nya :D
soalnya kemaren itu gw ke SMPK2 BPK Penabur Jakarta wkwkwkwkw
guess what gw ketemu sama achan jotom elliza stegi mk elvina tamara bill halim dkk deh pokoknya !!!
ya ampunn senengggggg banget hahaahhahaha meskipun ada yang dari smak3 juga tapi kan tetep aja seneng gitu hahaahah
trus gue menggila di tempat les sama si trisha, sharen, tamara, and novi wkakakaka bener2 ngegilaaaa..
trus ketemu terus dehhhh sama mk :D senengggg banget hahahahahah

trus hari ini gw dapet kabar kalo ul fisika gw dapet 92.. :( luamayan sihh tapi gue harusnya dapet lebih hahaha
apalagi tadi gw ekonomi banyak salah udah lah mati gw. gw ga bakat ngapalin sama sekali :(( sedih banget jadi gw :((
hahhh.. pasrahhh..
oh yaa masa hans bilang sifat gue kayak flying squirrel ==a apa miripnya==a
hmm tau banyak dari dia hahahahah

trus juga gw bantuin amol ngatasin masalah dia sama mantannya yang super freak itu --a kadang gue mikir udah ga pacaran tapi tetep ngelarang amol deket sama cewe lain. gw jadi amol sih siapa dia wkwkwkwk amit2 hahaha..
ga bakal gw deekt2 lagi hahahahh
huyuhhhhh gue stres nih sama pelajaran2 menghapal grr.. ga bakat sama sekalii
tapi nikmatin aja deh yaa hehehe

oh yaa gw punya temenn namanya manuelito hahhahaha
keren banget loh accentnya dia hahahaha kerennn banget gw demen bangettttttttttt
aaaa tapi bukan berarti gw demen sama dia hahahaha asik2 aja gitu keren2an doang hehehe

okee this all aje deh yaa :D

Tuesday 9 August 2011

All for LOVE - hillsong united ( Look to You )

All for love the Father gave
For only love could make a way
All for love the heavens cried
For love was crucified

Oh how many times have I broken Your heart
But still You forgive
If only I ask
And how many times have You heard me pray
Draw near to me

Everything I need is You
My beginning, my forever
Everything I need is You

Let me sing all for love
I will join the angels song
Ever holy is the Lord
King of Glory
King of all

All for a love a Saviour prayed
Abba Father have Your way
Though they know not what they do
Let the Cross draw man to You

cannot say a words !!!

haii guys !!! today i'm very exciting 'till now of course

hari ini gege Eddy sparring di smak3 hahahahaha seneng bangettt >.< kyaaa
tapi kayaknya dia bawa seseorang dan kayaknya dia ga suka ama gw dan cemburu sama gw..
hmm siapa yahh?? butuh klasifikasi yang jelas nihh ehehehhe trus kayaknya dia ngambek gitu sama eddy ahahahha
hmm..tapi denger punya denger sih itu cewenya..tapi bener ga yahh?? hahahhahaa

oh yaa !!! ada stegi ama jotomm kyaa seneng bangettt mreka silahturahmi ke skolah gw pas puasa gitu wkakakaka
tapi gila loo!! pelatih basketnya sangar ganas bangett wkakakakakaa

oh ya trus kan gw pulang dari gading nihh pas dari gading gw liat ada a group of handsome ya ampunnn ganteng2 lhoo.tapi itu sih menurut penglihatan sekelebatann..soalnya pas di inget2 lagi mukanya brubah jadi jelek2 --a wkakakakakka

hari ini juga eskul fotografi :P seru sihh wkakakakaka dan nextnya bakalan seru terus wkaakkakaakkakakkaka..
udah ahh.. gw lagi di pijet nih
badan gw encok semuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wkwkkww
byee see u tomorrow .... :D Gbu

Monday 8 August 2011

Unfailing Love - Chris Tomlin

You have my heart
And I am Yours forever
You are my strength
God of grace and power

And everything You hold in Your hand
Still You make time for me
I can't understand
Praise You God of Earth and sky
How beautiful is Your unfailing love
Unfailing love


And You never change God You remain
The Holy One
My unfailing love
Unfailing love

You are my rock
The one I hold on to
You are my song
And I sing for You

And everything You hold in Your hand
Still You make time for me
I can't understand
Praise You God of Earth and sky
How beautiful is Your unfailing love
Unfailing love


And You never change God You remain
The Holy One
My Unfailing love
Unfailing love

And everything You hold in Your hand
Still you make time for me
I can't understand
Praise You God of Earth and sky
How beautiful is Your unfailing love
Unfailing love

And You never change God You remain
The Holy One
My Unfailing love
Unfailing love

I will praise You
Praise you God of earth and sky
How beautiful is your unfailing love
Unfailing love

And You never change God You remain
The Holy One
My Unfailing love

Unfailing love
Unfailing love
Unfailing love
Unfailing love
Unfailing love


hi !!! apa kabar ? hari ini gw hepi coyyy
soalnya seni tari gw blom di kluarinn tapii jujur gw pasrah aja :( yang penting as long gw udah ngelakuin yang the best yah yaudahlah that's all wkakaakka

hadohh besok ul fisika nihh :( wish me luck yahh guys :D
trus tugas mandarin lupa bawa pulang buku wkakakka paling buru2 kerjain deh besok pagi wkakakak

oh yaa galau nihh.. my baby 600d diculik sama papii :( gmn mau bawa ke eskul besokk??
oh ya!! gege udah jadian!! tapi kok gw ga dikasih tau --a jahat banget !!! liatin besok grr.. wkakakak
ohh ya besok tuh sparing anak smak3 sama sman2 mantepp kn??? wkwkwkw ada anak2 smak2 juga pada dateng yoi abis laaa wkakakak bakalan seruu nihh hihihihi

tadi di tempat les seruuu banget gila ketawa2 bener2 jadi ga stres2 amat dehh :D
ditambah si tamara kayaknya bakal fall for someone :p ciayouu !!!
oh ya kemaren gw juga chat sama anak2 remaja rhema ya ampunn..kangennn banget sama mrekaaa
rencananya sabtu ini jalann hahaha semoga jadi dehh..aminn hihihiih

udah duluu yaa :P byebye

buat readers hari ini thanks yahh udah baca:D Gbu more and more :D

Sunday 7 August 2011

Unending Love - God is able by hillsong

There's no silver or gold
And no treasure untold
That could draw me away from Your heart
Neither love of myself
Or of anyone else will do

Jesus nothing compares
To this grace that rescues me
Saviour now and forever
Your face is all I seek

reff :

Now all I am
I lay at Your feet
I'm humbled by the wonder of Your majesty
One thing I know
I find all I need
In Your unending love
In Your unending love

Letting go of my pride
I lay down my desires
Just to worship in Spirit and truth
More than all of my dreams
More than fame I will seek You Lord

Jesus nothing compares
To this grace that rescued me
Saviour now and forever
Your face is all I seek


Now all I am
I lay at Your feet
I'm humbled by the wonder of Your majesty
One thing I know
I find all I need
In Your unending love
In Your unending love

Now all I am
I lay at Your feet
I'm humbled by the wonder of Your majesty
One thing I know
I find all I need
In Your unending love
In Your unending love


haii !! i'll end this day soon but before i have to write about this day first

hari ini ga begitu baik tapi setiap hari baik adanya :D
tidak baik karena besok sekolah wkakaka baik karena hari ini aku bisa maen sepuasnya
yah meskipun ulangan menumpuk buat minggu depan oleh sebab itu hari ini maksimalin mae besok no maen -.- hahahahaha

tadi di greja seru banget hihihi becanda2 sama tmen2 tapi stelah pulang tidur trus online langsung badmood liat sejoli sedang online
tapi berhubung si tahu x2 lagi online maka gw gangguin aja yahh lumayan lah bikin ga bosen gitu ketawa2 sendirian kan tuh akhirnyaa hihihi :P
dohh besok tes seni tari nihh :( bisa ga yah? paha pada sakit smua gara2 voli tapi gpp sih gw lebih rela voli kayaknya wkkakakaa..
tapi nando mau seni tari? omg bakalan seruuu nihh hahhahha
udah dulu yaa guyss ! see u tommoroww :D

Saturday 6 August 2011
what will you do when love show another way that you even never expect?
love has their own way to find your love


haduhh hari ini cape superr bangett maen volley :D tapi ga setimpal sama seneng2nya waktu main hahaahhaa
tangan gw sampe pada merah2 nihh huhuhu mungkin karena udah jarang maenn hahahahaa

kan gw smsan ama si amol, gila deh si amol masa suruh gw suka yang kaga2 sarap tuh orang hahahhaa tapi gw juga lega dehh dia bisa ngertiin gw banget gitu hihihihi

hmm.. malam minggu cuman dirumah :( ga jadi hip hop class pretttt banget ngekiin abiss lohh.. tapi ya udah maybe next time pasti hhahahaha
di smak3 parah banget lahh pr tiap ari -..- tapi gw juga kaga slesaiin smua wkakakkaka
jdi tetep have fun wkowkwokwokow

gila banget kan semalem gw telponan ama koko angkat gw tuh sambi nungguin koko gw yang berada entah dimana sampe jam 4 kaga ada di rumah wah gilaa ngantuk gila gw -,- dari connect sampe nggak connect lagi wkakkakakaka

udah dulu yahh laper nihh mau makan:p
have a nice day

Friday 5 August 2011


haiii :D

hari ini gw badmood banget sebenernya nggak banget2 juga tapi tetep aja rasanya ada yang aneh gitu :(

sedihnya sih emng ga keterima di panitia tapi gapapalah mungkin emang gw ga sehebat anak2 lainnya:) tapi entah kenapa kayaknya yg beast2 emng disingkirkan -,- yahh termasuk gw, gw sih nyadar diri aja kalo gw emng ga se princess2 kayak yg lain

jujur buat saat ini susah banget buat nerima apa adanya gw. Ditambah baru2 ini gw liat orang yang gw suka. hahahaha tambah tampan yah padahal baru brapa hari doang ga liat :) tapi yah ga jauh dari dia ada cewenya -.- lagi2 selalu saja penghalang huhh --..
hahah sempet galauuu banget tapi gw coba buat ga stress karena gw punya temen2 baru hehehe
ohh ya ! gw ketemu mk lohh di tempat less. ya ampun gw sampe nangis ketemu dia hahaahh
kangen banget sama dia hihihi

oh yaa temen gw kan ada yang bisa baca aura nahh gw itu dibilang warna biru :D artinya cheerful tapi good pretender juga hahahahhaa aneh yaa..
padahal gw bukan good pretender !! but the best pretender ever !! hihihihihi :P

oh yaa !!! iphone gw rusak nihh kawan entah mengapaa sedih sekali ingin rasanya menangis tapi udah abis nih air matanya buat galauin dia hihihi lupakan lahh

sekian dulu dari naomii :D

Tuesday 2 August 2011

smak 3 :D

hii !! sekarang gue udah jadi murid SMAK 3 woohoo !!
bangga dongg hahaha :D
tau ga sihhh tugasnya tuh banyak banget gw jadi males nih huhuhuh :(

emm tapi gw tetep sama perasaaan gw yang dlu :( lu tau ga sihh? mereka berdua serasi banget gw jadi ngiri :"( hahaha tapi udah yahh udah gw udah ga bisa ngapa2in lagii :D
terima nasibb.. hihihi.. gw jadi sering kasih nando lirik2 lagu galau kaga tau buat apaan gw juga bingung.. iseng aja gitu nulis2 ahahahaha

ga ada yang spesial di smak3 3-( yang ganteng juga ga ada -.- sekalinya ada malah sikapnya ga bener -.- ga banget deh ampun deh..
bokap bilang ga kasih pacaran hahahaha gue ga masalah :D

oh yaa !!! somethings happen hihihihi tapi hanya boleh gw yang tau ahahha :D

sorry yaa guyss :D meskipun gw cuman punya satu followers gapapa dehh tetep asik kok :D
dia juga ga mungkin baca post2 gw hihih :D

ohh yaa harry potter 2 udah kluar gw harus nontonn woohoo ahhaha